The course has finally come to an abrupt end..
The laughters will be missed.. the fun will be missed...
Nevertheless, the show must go on. Despite the setbacks, the sweat, the blood, the frustration... we still enjoy the rehearsals.. the company.. the jokes.. the craze...
Though many might claim that nothing much has been learnt from the course.. but i must say that several valuable lessons can be learnt..
I've come to learn that patience go a long way. I've come to realize the importance of responsibility. I've come to enjoy putting in hard work just to be able to see what i reap from what i've sown.
I've come to appreciate every single valuable and variable relationship i have with each and every one of them.. An attachment nonetheless.. Given so little time.. Just a short little 3 months.. and it was more than enough bargained for.. Every experience carved deeply into impression. All but one... has carved an even deeper impression.. And that very one is..................................... woah woah woah... hold on a sec... i ain't gonna expose this... not here..
Happy faces.. All around me... i think ultimately that's the prized possession from this course.. Smile my mates! We started of at a high note.. Now let's show them what we can achieve and let's end this on an even higher note!
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