Firstly, i'd like to comment about the above picture... First, menthos came in tubes, then boxes and then now, yoghurt menthos.. what's next? Nasi Lemak menthos??? You know... it's just like mac products.. Don't get the wrong idea... i have an Ipod video, a Macbook and an Imac and i love all 3 of them.. but the new products just keep on comin... somewhat like a brilliant movie but with endless sequels.. At the least, Starwars ended at 6...
It was a rather slow moving day but there were several insteresting instances..
Firstly, when i got into the lift of my block in the early afternoon, an old lady asked me: "Boy ah... how many?" It got me figuring and figuring and then it suddenly struck me.. She meant to ask: "Boy ah... which floor?" But eventually, i replied her: "9 of them".. of course trying to be cheeky.. Guess what she replied? "9 floor la.. Now very important to say english ploperly you know..." I almost fainted.
Secondly, while i was buying the tickets for 'Chronicles of Narnia', there was this uncle queueing up in front of me. Guess what tickets he wanted to buy? 'Iron Man'. Excuse me uncle... you're pretty much too late... Then he had to ask the poor salesgirl at the ticketing counter why isn't Iron Man screened anymore? And he was pretty adamant on getting to watch Iron Man. So much that the Ah Beng behind me wanted to offer him his pirated DVD! I almost fainted.... again.
Thirdly, while watching 'Chronicles of Narnia', i realized that this 'Prince Caspian' spoke in a weird slang.. very different from all the other characters in the movie.. But later on figured it was probably planned that way to signify a vast difference between him and the other characters. This WISE man sitting behind me had the same question posed to him by his girlfriend. Girlfriend:" Baby, why is Prince Caspian speaking in such a different slang?" WISE man:"Orh... cos he is the lion" I almost burst out laughing. Now... what kinda dimwit would think that way?!
Sorry for the random post.. but i just had to share these with you guys.. It made my day awesome.. Hope it'll make yours too!
Your friendly Mohican