Thursday, June 07, 2007

My friend... Where have you been?

My desperate call out for a missing friend...

I know you'll read my blog.. Where have you been? Why all the "wrong number" tactics? What have i done wrong? I really don't understand.. It could have been a lot easier on me if you were to tell me what went wrong... Again...

Long talks we had in the past.. were they unreal? Enjoyable dates we had in the past.. Were they fictional? I didn't think so.. Remember you said you wanted our friendship to last forever? I really hope you meant that as much as i did...

You are important to me.. in my life.. in my mind and in my heart... Even though we may not be able to bring this somewhere further, your friendship is valuable to me.. and it has always been.. Why would i have lost you yet again?

Please come back....


RaGe FuRy said...


Chrispy Tine said...

you're like another ivan. all the emo talk

RaGe FuRy said...

HOi Hoi Hoi... i dun talk emo pls... i only poem emo... haha