My current prized possession...
Come on... i deserved it..
Ok... maybe not.. but i got it anyway..
The X-Box 360.. the tool of my relaxation..
Don't worry friends.. you're not forgotten..
Now.. onto serious stuff..
Thought of the day: If we're all going to die someday, why do we work our asses off for an employer who probably doesn't give a damn about our survival?
Some answers i thought of for some..
Why do some guys cheat? How can i be sure that my guy doesn't?
Now... Of course.. not all guys cheat.. but that's a very good question.. how would i know mine won't? A simple equation: Cheating guys most probably=Always not contended with what they have, Non-Cheating guys most probably=Contended with what they have. Of course...the word is "PROBABLY". It's not a confirmation.. unless i discuss this with my rocket scientist, i'll let you know again. Well, apart from that, it takes two hands to clap.. So it's either the female doesn't know the guy all that well, if not, something the female did is either not right, or not enough. Take it from the farmer.. Why does his cows stay in his farm? That's because they're having a good time! Of course i'm not comparing females to animals or females to cows.. Just my analogy.
AND please do not get the wrong idea and misunderstand it as i'm telling the females to go please their guys.. Down to the bottom line, know your guy inside out. I know it's wrong to say this because my male boos would probably kill me for saying this.. but do what it takes to know what your guy is up to. Trust is essential in a relationship "YES" but trust has to be earned "BIG YES".
How do I get on with life after a broken relationship?
A very common question.. and i believe you've probably asked many people.. It's good to ask questions.. DO NOT bottle things up. I've been through that.. and it hurts like hell. Now.. let's cut the chase and hit it right on spot. Easy.. you SAY you wanna let go but your heart says OTHERWISE. The more confirmations you get from others, the softer the voice is in your heart. My friend... it doesn't work that way! You're simply just drowning out the voice in your heart. After the water dries up, you'll hear it again. The mind holds reasonable thoughts.. the heart doesn't. Follow your heart when it comes to love.. but heal with the mind because practically speaking, the heart is weak but the mind is strong. "I can't do without him!" Did he feed you as you grew up? Did he breathe the breath of life upon you? No! Emotions are in built within us to make us human... they're not there to destroy you!AND please do not get the wrong idea and misunderstand it as i'm telling the females to go please their guys.. Down to the bottom line, know your guy inside out. I know it's wrong to say this because my male boos would probably kill me for saying this.. but do what it takes to know what your guy is up to. Trust is essential in a relationship "YES" but trust has to be earned "BIG YES".
How do I get on with life after a broken relationship?
Hope this helps.. Otherwise, i shall get help from my rocket scientist..